You can also view this entry in Yahoo! 360º, but the text looks really small (which really doesn't help 360 in my decision). But if you want to compare them, view my 360 Blog (http://360.yahoo.com/RichiesBlog).
**If you don't agree with my thoughts, or even if you do--post in the comments**- Blogger
- Pros
- Total customation--with templates, you can choose where things are, and what color they are.
- Templates also allow you can use CSS, javascript, and everything else you can use on a web site
- You can email an entry to your blog
- You can also use a phone to call your blog and leave an audio entry
- Cons
- Besides from the navigation bar at the top (which you can get rid of), there's really nothing wrong with Blogger
>>Just to be clear, Yahoo! 360º isn't just a blog; it contains a blog, but it also has more things that let you connect with you friends. But for the sake of this article,I will call it a blog.
- Pros
- Total intergration of your Yahoo! account
- You make a list of your friends on 360 and put them into different categories
- You have the choice of who can see certain things on your "blog"
- You can say "Everybody" can see this, "Just me," "Friends^," "Friends of Friends" ...
- ^ If you choose "Friends," you can select from you different categories
- You can use HTML while creating a blog entry, but it's really doesn't work--at the top of the 360 entry, I put in the Blogger and the Yahoo! 360º images (just like at the top of this entry) but when I published the entry, they disappeared; so what's the point of the HTML?
- You can compose a blog entry on your phone using text and images.
- Cons
- The actual format of the site is out of your control--you can't change colors or where things are
- Yes, Blogger has a 1/2 inch nav. bar, but Yahoo! has the 2 inch bar at the top of 360 that nobody really needs (and you can't get rid of it)
- This really isn't a "Con" but just a reminder that Yahoo! 360º is only in beta. This means that everything isn't completed, and it could be a whole lot better when it goes public.
**Don't forget, you can post your comments
***Also, compare Blogger and Yahoo! 360º for yourself; just look at this entry in 360 and in Blogger.
>> Richie | Digg this story
Great comparison! I have both as well and really enjoy using blogger. The only negative I see for Blogger is the lack of catagories (but that may not be important to everbody). As for Yahoo360, I really dislike the lack of customization, so I just gave up on the beta version.
Oh in regards to the small print in Yahoo, try this...
Hold down Ctrl and on the mouse's scroller, scroll down. The font should get bigger.
I know it's possible to change the text size, but I shouldn't have to.
Thanks for posting this info. Can you describe more about how Y! 360 allows you to limit who sees what? Do people need to be signed into a Y! account in order to see your blog if your posting is set to allow "Everyone" access to it? What about if you wanted to limit access? Do they have to have a Y! account then? Thanks.
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